I’m guessing that most of you are aware, or at least have heard, of the Free Rice website — but it’s certainly worth mentioning here as an easy way to do good that doesn’t cost you a dime. Basically, you are given a vocabulary word and four possible meanings to choose from. If you click on the correct meaning, 20 grains of rice are donated to the United Nations World Food Program. You can play as many times as you want and the more answers you get correct, the more difficult the vocabulary questions become.
The site has become so popular that it has actually expanded beyond vocabulary and now there are numerous quizzes you can take to give free rice. These include Famous Paintings, Chemical Symbols, English Grammar, English Vocabulary, Identifying Countries on the Map, World Capitals, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Basic Math (Pre-Algebra) and Multiplication Table. There should be something that can grab your interest while you help feed those less fortunate than yourself.
The site gives away over 100 million grains of rice most days and has given away over 56 billion grains since the site was started. It is a great way to waste 15 minutes or whenever you have a bit of free time.
When you have a chance, go to Free Rice and see how many vocabulary words you can get correctly in a row. I just managed 56 which donated over 1000 grains of rice (it doesn’t matter if it’s only one — that’s 20 free grains of rice that will go to feed someone). When your finished, come back here and leave a comment on how many in a row you were able to do, the concept about free rice or anything else about helping stop hunger. Each comment will add 10 cents to fund a microloan.
If you enjoyed this post or the blog in general, please take the time to tell others that may also enjoy it – it’s most appreciated and the more people comment and enjoy doing good, the faster we can fund these microloans.
d’oh! only got 6 in, 120 pieces of rice though!
Have bookmarked it with the free kibbles for kitties and dogs to make sure i try each day.
Excellent blog friend!
I had a lot to do tonight, so I thought I’d just swing by FreeRice just for a quick look. I don’t know how many minutes later it is, but it’s 5260 grains of rice later than when I started!
I didn’t want to leave! We can adjust the difficulty level, if we miss it asks the same word again later, and we get to see how much we’re donating! I feel smart AND I have fed someone! Bookmarked, you bet!
1,120 grains. thanks for the info on the site!
‘Smarvelous! Just did 3200 brushing up on my art history.
Thanks for reminding me about this site!
Just did 1000 grains.
Mr. HKH, I am curious as to how commenting raises money for microloans?
FreeRice.com is really an excellent web site.
I’d love it even more if they could develop a multiplayer version where people (and kids) compete for fun. It’d be lots better than 99% of computer games.
Didn’t know about that web site before, thanks!
These kinds of games are so addictive! Donated amount is hovering just over 2000 grains and had to pull myself away from the vocab game so I can try the others!
Love your work on free micro loans. Cheers from Sydney, Australia~!
I did not know they had one for French vocabulary! It’s perfect because I’m a French major. I just donated 1000 grains of rice.
It’s good to get all these sites out there. Alot of people don’t know all the good they can be doing for free.
I love Free Rice! i’ll be back to give my “score”. You’ve just ignited a competitive fire in me. 🙂
I am curious as to how commenting raises money for microloans?
I have been given a grant by a generous friend to use to “encourage people to do good” and my idea was to set up this blog. The goal is to show the many ways that we can all do good for little effort and just by giving your opinion in a comment, the grant money goes toward funding microloans (doing good again) I think it’s a win-win situation for all.
Did they change it so it resets on every visit? My rice count used to carry over between sessions. Now I can’t get it to do that and it resets to 0 every day and the vocab level resets too. Oh well, it’s for a good cause.
Having fun and doing good too! 1000 grains of rice before I realized it 🙂
Oooh, I love Free Rice! So addicting. 🙂
This is so nice. I forwarded the link and explained to some people I think will participate.
Oh, I didn’t know they had multiple subjects now! What a great way to practice my languages!
I found out about free rice a few weeks ago through another blog I read (//cleolinda.livejournal.com – she has a link on each journal entry so you remember to do it everyday) and have been on almost every day. it can be addictive, which is great! I’m glad you’re letting more people know about it.
Free Rice is so cool. I’ve been brushing up on my geography.
I also go to The Hunger Site (//www.thehungersite.com) for my daily click to give a free cup of food away.
I feel a little bad for having forgotten about Free Rice! 4280, and I think I’m going to stop for a while. Tomorrow I’ll check out some other topics on it…
I’m proud to say i have done this daily, for as long as I can remember 🙂
2480, WOOOOO!! I can do this all night but I gotta go. Thanks for the site. It’s fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
i liked this site. you can help people and brush up on your vocabulary. i was surprised with how many words i got right.
Click to donate sites have got to be he fastest, easiest, and cheapest way to give.
5,000 grains = 250 questions
Neil Gaiman mentioned this too on his blog. Addictive!
Thanks for posting this! It’s been one of my favorite websites for almost a year.
52 words, 1240 grains of rice.
I love the free rice site, but since it’s after 2 a.m. here, I think I’ll plan on visiting it tomorrow after I get some sleep.
I got up to 1400 grains of rice.
I write commercials, so I think I have a fairly good vocabulary. I donated 610 grains of rice and had to stop because I have to go back to work.
There are 6 writers in my department and I suggested to our Creative Director that we all take a few minutes each day to brush up on our vocabulary and help others.
As always, thanks for letting me know about this.
I think thats great idea.
Until now donated 1140 grains of rice.
Hi ! I’ve just found your website through HKH and I must say it’s a fantastic idea. This website is really addictive and it’s for a great cause too. Just donated 4000 grains of rice. I’ll post the link for your website and the freerice one on my facebook.
4000 grains!
It’s fun stuff!
Also check out //www.onehen.org/
which funds microloans for people around the world. Each bead you earn is a penny. Might be a quicker way to help people than through rice grains (although, I admit, freerice.com is more fun).