Here is an easy way to make a difference that will only take a couple of seconds. Frigidaire is having a Make Time For Change spin contest and they will donate $1 to Save the Children when you spin. Easy as that.
Author: admin
Third Free Microloan Funded!
I’m going to have to add a new section to the “total raised” sidebar to account for free money. The free $25 Kiva gift certificate came through and I have already redeemed it and given out a loan (I really hope that now we have confirmed it’s still active, you tell all your friend and family about it — there isn’t an easier way to earn $25 in 5 minutes and you help out a great cause at the same time!) This loan went to Maritza who is a potato farmer in Peru:
If you signed up and haven’t checked to see if you received your free gift certificate, be sure to do so now and if you haven’t tried it yet, what are you waiting for?
If you enjoyed this post, be sure to sign up for free updates for this blog and add an extra 25 cents to fund loans as well.
Choose Three Causes You’ll Support
There are thousands of charities out there doing great work. Some are local while others are worldwide. No matter what your beliefs, there are plenty of charities that will compliment your views and you would do well to support. If you aren’t sure about a certain charity, you can go to Charity Navigator which evaluates charities to learn more about how the charity is run and where the money it gets ends up going.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that you need to give money to any of these charities to help them out. As this blog will show, there are plenty of things that you can do that won’t cost you a dime, but can greatly help out the charities that you support, but in order to do that, you need to know which causes you support.
If you haven’t already done so, find three causes that you believe in. While I support a lot more than three, these are the main ones that I use when people ask me:
- Modest Needs: A charity that gives one time financial help to those who would otherwise lose their house or job.
- KIVA: The charity that this blog supports which gives microloans to entrepreneurs in less developed countries that would not qualify for them at local banks.
- Doctors Without Borders: Helps those with medical needs in some of the most desperate places on this planet.
When you have chosen three that you support, please leave a comment with a link to the causes that you have chosen (your comment might not show up right away as the links will cause it to go in the moderation line, but I will approve those that aren’t spam on a daily basis). Not only will it add an extra 10 cents to the microloan fund here, It will be an excellent way for others to learn about other charities and causes (plus I’d really like to know!)
If you enjoyed this post and would like to learn about other ways you can help others without spending a lot of time or money of your own, please consider signing up for free updates which will add another 25 cents toward a microloan. Thank you to all that have told friends or family and I hope that you will continue to do so. It’s greatly appreciated.
Get Paid $25 To Do Good
Now here is something that you can scream far and wide to all your friends and they will love you for it. Not only are you helping a great cause, you end up getting paid $25 to do it for about 5 minutes work. How can you beat something like that?
If you haven’t done so already and you live in the US, you can get a free $25 Kiva gift certificate (the $25 will eventually become yours to do with as you want, so you are actually getting paid $25 to do good) to make a microloan of your own to any entrepreneur on the Kiva site.
Think MTV and Kiva have teamed up to make this special offer. You need to do the following steps to qualify:
1. Create a account (it takes less than 5 minutes)
2. Once you have created and confirmed your account, go to Kiva’s profile
3. Click the green “Support this Organization” button in the top left hand box on the page. If you scroll down, you can also learn a little more about this offer.
4. Wait. You will receive a message in your Think MTV Inbox (not your email, so don’t forget) within 1-3 business days in about a week (confirmed that this offer is still valid). The email will contain the $25 Kiva certificate and explain how to redeem it to give a loan to the entrepreneur of your choice.
5. Comment here. Let us know that you received the certificate and who you made a loan to in the comments so we can add another 10 cents to fund a microloan.
Once you make the microloan, it will be paid back over the period of time indicated on the loan (usually between 4 and 18 months). Once it has been paid back you can decide whether to keep the $25 and move it to your bank account or reloan it to another Kiva entrepreneur.
If you enjoyed this post and would like to learn about other ways you can help others without spending a lot of time or money of your own, please consider signing up for free updates which will add another 25 cents toward a microloan. Thank you to all that have told friends or family and I hope that you will continue to do so. It’s greatly appreciated.
**Special thanks to Ron who pointed out this offer in the comments**
Give A Compliment
One thing that you can never give enough of is compliments to others. I’m not talking false compliments, but genuinely letting others know how you feel. Far to often we censor ourselves or simply assume that others somehow know how we feel which is often not the case (and even if it is, it’s still good to let them know how you feel on a regular basis).
For those that you may not know well, a genuine compliment can be the difference between a lousy day and one that all of a sudden looks a lot brighter than before the compliment was made. There really isn’t anything like a deep, warm, sincere compliment to make a person’s day.
If you haven’t given a lot of compliments in the past, it can take some courage to do so. I know it still does for me sometimes, but I also know that compliments for the most part are accepted with great joy and almost always brighten up a person’s day. My philosophy is to error on the side of giving out too many rather than too few.
If you get a chance today give someone a genuine compliment. It doesn’t matter if it is someone that you know well or just someone that you just happened to meet. Spend the day looking for good things in all the people you see and when you find them, let the person know. Feel free to share any compliments you make (or have made in the past) in the comments to add an extra 10 cents to the growing microloan fund.
If you enjoyed this post, please consider signing up for free updates (which will also add an extra 25 cents to fund loans) if you haven’t done so already. And always feel free to let others know if you think this is something they would enjoy. It’s greatly appreciated.
Second Free Microloan Funded!
We passed the $50 mark today which means that we had enough money to fund the second microloan here. This one went to Edirisa Bukenya Group who runs a general store in Uganda:
It’s great to see that we have been able to fund another microloan and hopefully there will be many more in the near future. You can follow all the microloans that we give out at the FreeMicroloan Kiva Page.
Thank you for the support and the participation in doing small things to make the world a little better. I look forward to reading you continued comments and hope that you’ll continue to spread the word to your friends and family. Don’t forget to sign up for the rss feed (and add an extra 25 cents to fund loans) if you haven’t done so already. I look forward to giving out more loans in the weeks to come.
What You Can Do In Under 5 Minutes
In the last 4 minutes and 38 seconds before writing this post I was able to do the following without it costing me a cent:
- I offset 1 pound of carbon emissions or roughly the equivalent amount to taking hot shower.
- I saved 7.4 sq. ft. of American Prairie.
- I helped to fund the airing of a public service announcement protesting Canada’s baby seal hunt.
- I generated a donation to help save our oceans.
- I helped support 11,314.29 sq.ft of Jaguar habitat.
- I donated enough to feed an orange to a hungry primate.
- I donated enough to fund 41 minutes to provide a child with medical care and education for 30 days.
- I helped prevent one litter of unwanted kittens.
- I helped generate 3 letters of support to stop violence against women.
- I helped to eliminate environmental causes of breast cancer.
- I gave the value of 1.1 cups of food to the hungry.
- I helped fund a free mammogram to help a woman in need.
- I helped fund healthcare for a child in need.
- I helped fund the tools needed to attain literacy for a child in need.
- I helped protect 11.4 square feet of rainforest.
- I gave the value of .6 bowls of food to rescued animals.
- I gave 10 pieces of kibble to a dog in an animal shelter.
- I gave 10 pieces of kibble to a cat in an animal shelter.
- I gave 20 grains of rice to help feed the poor.
- I gave 10 cents to help fund a microloan.
Don’t believe me? Here is how I did it and how you can do it too. Feel free to get out your stop watch because I bet you can probably do it even quicker than I did if you want.
1. Go to the free click to donate global warming and click the “reduce 1 pound of carbon” button. Once finished, click on the tab for “rainforest” above. Click through and then move onto the other tabs: seals, oceans, big cats, primates, children, pets, stop violence and breast cancer.
2. Go to the The Hunger Site and click the “click here to give – it’s free” button. Once finished, click on the tab for “breast cancer” above. Click through and then move onto the other tabs: child health, literacy, rainforest and animal rescue.
3. Go to Free Kibble and answer the question. When finished, click the “click here to feed cats too!” link and answer that question as well.
4. Go to Free Rice and answer a question (you must get it correct — you can also stay longer and donate a whole lot more rice if you have extra time as well).
5. Come back here and leave a comment as to how long it took you to make all the free donations.
If you can complete those 5 steps, then you will have given similar amounts as I have listed above and the entire process should take somewhere about 5 minutes to complete. Pretty darn good way to spend five minutes when you have the free time.
If you enjoyed this post, please consider signing up for the rss feed which will add another 25 cents toward a microloan. Also feel free to spread the word and tell friends or family who you believe may also enjoy this blog. It’s greatly appreciated.
Give to Fund the Fight Against Breast Cancer
Here’s an oldie but goody that you may have forgotten about. By simply clicking on a button, you can help fund mammograms for women that aren’t able to afford them at The Breast Cancer Site.
When you click on the button, a host of sponsors will appear and the 100% of the amount they paid will go toward funding the mammograms. It’s a simple click that takes less than 5 seconds so the only reason not to do it is because you forget.
When you have a free few seconds (like now), go to The Breast Cancer Site and click on the button. In the time it takes for you to click a mouse, you will have done good for the day and you can’t beat that. Once you have, feel free to come back here and leave a comment about what you think of these click sites or your thoughts about breast cancer. Each comment will add 10 cents to the growing total for microloans we fund.
I truly appreciate that you felt it was worth the time to visit my blog and do good today. If you enjoy this blog, please sign up for the rss feed which will add another 25 cents toward a microloan. Also feel free to spread the word and tell friends or family who may also enjoy it.
Use Your Computer’s Idle Time To Do Good
There are probably times when you leave your computer for some reason, but believe you are going to be back quickly and decide it’s not worth the time or effort to turn it off. When you return, you probably find your screen saver running.
If someone told you that you could use your computer’s idle time to do good such as cure diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars or do other types of scientific research, would you? That is exactly what Boinc projects allow you to do.
Basically, there are certain things in science that need huge amounts of computing power to solve and that can cost tremendous amounts of money. The idea of using the unused computing power of regular computers helps solve this issue. While each computer would be doing very small calculations, with thousands upon thousands of computers all doing it together, huge calculations can be rendered without the cost of a super computer.
There are 25 current projects to choose from and you can help out on multiple projects if you want. I personal have my computer set to help out on the malaria control, SETI space and climate prediction projects, but there are also many other worthy projects on the list. All you need to do is download the Boinc software to your computer (takes a few minutes) and once it has been installed and is running, it allows you to choose the projects you want to help out with.
When you have a few free minutes, download the Boinc software and set up your computer to help out when it has spare resources to give. Then leave a comment to let us know which of the projects you chose, what you think about the entire project or any questions you might have about it. Of course, each comment also adds 10 cents to the microloans being funded here.
If you enjoyed this post or the blog in general, please sign up for the rss feed (and add another 25 cents toward a microloan) and take the time to tell others who may also enjoy it – doing good is something that anyone can do for little to no money and the more that are willing to participate, the faster we can fund these microloans.