Wow, we funded our first free microloan which went to Paquita Arevalo Armas who sells fruit in Peru:

This caught me a bit by surprise as I thought I’d have a little longer to get organized before we’d pass the $25 raised mark (with 90 rss feed sign-ups and 57 comments the first week). As you can see, I still haven’t made an avatar for freemicroloan at Kiva, but that will be on my list of things to do this week. You can follow all the microloans that we give out at the FreeMicroloan Kiva Page.
Thank you for this initial surge of support and please continue to comment and tell your friends to sign up for the rss feed so we can give out a lot more of these microloans in the weeks ahead.
Fantastic!! Glad to be able to be part of this.
This is a great thing to be a part of!!
Wow, that’s pretty cool seeing the little things pan out in the form of larger helpfulness things. And I’ve done the free kibble thing every day since I arrived at this site, even though I was sure I’d forget! ^_^
Awesome! Keep up the good work!
Congrats! This is too rad!!!
Cool. Viva Paquita! She’s totally sportin those JLo glasses, too. Keep up the great work, Mr. HKH!
ha, this is awesome!
It’s amazing to think how everyone of these comments is helping.
[Elfir] I have also gone to Free Kibble every day 🙂 !
Woohoo!! How exciting!
YAY! Congrats everyone and a BIG congrats Jeffrey, for the fantastice idea, generousity and hard work! Thanks for informing me about Kiva, it’s a great site and another great intiative.
That’s really great. I was reading about a bunch of the loan requests on there, and am so glad to be able to help out!
awesome! Who knew blog commenting could be so useful?
Cool! Hope it helps Paquita’s business.
CONGRATULATIONS! That’s fantastic. After your HKH project, getting rid of 500 toys in exchange for over a thousand comments, I KNEW it wouldn’t take long for you to reach your goal. I look forward to reading about all the wonderful things you do this year and beyond.
Blessings from the Faerie Laedie