When you think about it, hugs are a highly underused device to make people happy. I have no doubt that the world would be a bit happier if we all hugged more. Who doesn’t break out into a smile when they get a hug? If you have any doubt, just take a look at this video:
I usually give hugs when those around me are sad, but I’d like to change that. I gave a hug to my wife this morning when she woke up. I’m not sure how happy she was to receive the hug when she really wanted to still be in bed sleeping, but she certainly didn’t reject it either (it may have been a body warmth thing) and I’d bet that she won’t complain if I greet her each morning like that. Starting off each day with a hug sounds like a pretty darn good way to start any day to me. I’ll be looking at giving out a few more today if the opportunity arises and hope to give them out more freely in the future.
If you have a chance, give someone a hug. Once you have, leave a comment — feel free to let everyone know who you hugged and what reaction you got from it. Each comment will provide 10 cents toward a microloan.
Also be sure to sign-up with the Free Microloan rss feed — each rss reader sign-up will donate 25 cents toward a microloan.
I might have cheated I just gave all my awake children hugs. (I am not dedicated enough to wake up a sleeping toddler or infant for hugs!)
I like this idea. I gave a hug to my best friend. She just broke up with her boyfriend and was feeling really down. There isn’t much that I can say in that situation, but putting my arms around her let her know that she is still loved by me. I think that it’s important for everyone to know that they are loved.
That is one of my all time favorite videos. I wish I had the courage to give hugs to random people, but I don’t. I give hugs to my pet dog all the time. I’m not sure if it makes her happy, but it makes me happier when I do it.
I haven’t given a hug yet, but I plan to give out a bunch of them today. Thanks for the reminder.
I gave my husband a huge hug when he came home from work without saying a word. I think he thought I was either on drugs or something terrible had happened. When I told him I was hugging him just because it was him, he still had a look on his face that something unexpected was still going to come. I hope that in a short period of time, he’ll be able to accept the hug without thinking that there is any other meaning than it’s just a hug of love.
I just ran in the living room and asked John if he wanted a hug – no question, he just held out his arms… feels nice (((hugs)))
Great idea! Could not resist to wake my husband right away with a big (((hug))). 🙂
wonderful idea. i hug my boyfriend and my 3 fur kids (ferrets). i also plan on hugging several more people today.
My husband’s still at work… but I hugged one of my cats. 🙂 Purrs make people happy, too.
I hugged my baby today 🙂 Thanks for setting this site up. Love both your sites 🙂 I wish I could hug HK too…
I am not much of a hug person but I have to admit that giving them out makes me feel good as well as the person I am giving it to. Hugs also seem to be addictive, after I hugged my little sister, my other one wanted one to.
I can’t imagine a day going by without at least one hug from my husband. Just one a day adds up to almost 10,000.
That video made me a little misty in the eyes! I love hugs.
I got my free hug in Hyde Park last year…but I passed on the free kiss. lol
I love hugs. Such a warm feeling. Hugging is so easy to do and doesn’t cost a thing. Remember to hug your pets too!
Great blog!
I love hugs, when i first came across this video on youtube, it almost made me cry. I try to give as many as I can a day 🙂
I hugged my husband this morning – I love me some hugs!
Hahaha, when I give one of my friends hugs I think it’s more like torture than an act of kindness. Oh well! >=DD
I like your new site, I have to say it was strange to read the positive stuff when I’m so used to HKHell. I will visit as much as I can. Thanks for the positivity!
I hugged Virginia for no reason about 6 times today. She’s comfy and always grins. Try it, you’ll like it. Some people are more reserved, so you should ask them. I never ask, I just hug the easy ones.
I love this video! Every time I see it I get teary. Who knows what a hug could do for some random person having a bad day? Such a great idea! I wish I had the courage to go and do this. Well, anyway, I will go and hug all of my family today, and my friends. And all of you! (((hugs)))
Oh man, hug me at the right moment and I may start bawling. I hug (and spoon) my dog every chance I get … he seems to appreciate it. ^_^ I’ve never tried hugging a random person, though, maybe I should try it …
I heard each person needs 10 hugs a day to sustain good health.
Everyone who knows me knows my hugs. (If you’re a really close friend, I’ll pick you up a little, too!) X-D Once, when I was working at Sea World’s waterpark (Aquatica) during a summer project, a friend/co-worker (S) who was also with the project told another coworker (B)…
S: So you have Deb’s number, right?
B: No. I’m not sure I know her.
S: What?? EVERYONE knows Deb. Heck, half the people here have probably been hugged by her!
X-D Tehehe
Pretty much everyone has also told me I give the best hugs. My secret is meaning it. I dunno why, but when I hug a friend tightly, just kinda savoring having such a great friend to hold, and topping it off with a quick rub on the back (or the 3-pats if i’m feeling silly), the friend always says something like “I just LOVE your hugs, Deb” or “Your hugs are the best!” or “WAAH! NO! I’M IN A DRESS!” (X-D My friend I always pick up when I hug her was wearing a dress and was scared I was going to lift her too high. 😉 I only picked her up an inch.)
Try it sometime! 😉 Maybe people will notice your hugs beginning to improve. (And that might be why I don’t hug random people; I dunno how to “mean it” when I’m hugging someone I don’t know.)
I hug my kids, husband and pets everyday!
That was amazing! This Blog is amazing. Travelled over here from HKH and have forwarded a link to everyone I can think of, put it on my Facebook, too.
I have a friend who is a self-esteem coach. He was at a seminar where there was an older gentleman. Part of the seminar included hugs. The gentleman started to cry. He hadn’t been hugged in over 20 years.
I am divorced and have gone for long periods of time without a hug. Don’t realize how much I miss it until I get one. I hug my dogs every day and it’s great but not as wonderful as another person’s arms around you. Thanks for sharing the video and your thoughts.