What You Can Do In Under 5 Minutes

In the last 4 minutes and 38 seconds before writing this post I was able to do the following without it costing me a cent:

  • I offset 1 pound of carbon emissions or roughly the equivalent amount to taking hot shower.
  • I saved 7.4 sq. ft. of American Prairie.
  • I helped to fund the airing of a public service announcement protesting Canada’s baby seal hunt.
  • I generated a donation to help save our oceans.
  • I helped support 11,314.29 sq.ft of Jaguar habitat.
  • I donated enough to feed an orange to a hungry primate.
  • I donated enough to fund 41 minutes to provide a child with medical care and education for 30 days.
  • I helped prevent one litter of unwanted kittens.
  • I helped generate 3 letters of support to stop violence against women.
  • I helped to eliminate environmental causes of breast cancer.
  • I gave the value of 1.1 cups of food to the hungry.
  • I helped fund a free mammogram to help a woman in need.
  • I helped fund healthcare for a child in need.
  • I helped fund the tools needed to attain literacy for a child in need.
  • I helped protect 11.4 square feet of rainforest.
  • I gave the value of .6 bowls of food to rescued animals.
  • I gave 10 pieces of kibble to a dog in an animal shelter.
  • I gave 10 pieces of kibble to a cat in an animal shelter.
  • I gave 20 grains of rice to help feed the poor.
  • I gave 10 cents to help fund a microloan.

Don’t believe me? Here is how I did it and how you can do it too. Feel free to get out your stop watch because I bet you can probably do it even quicker than I did if you want.

1. Go to the Care2.com free click to donate global warming and click the “reduce 1 pound of carbon” button. Once finished, click on the tab for “rainforest” above. Click through and then move onto the other tabs: seals, oceans, big cats, primates, children, pets, stop violence and breast cancer.

2. Go to the The Hunger Site and click the “click here to give – it’s free” button. Once finished, click on the tab for “breast cancer” above. Click through and then move onto the other tabs: child health, literacy, rainforest and animal rescue.

3. Go to Free Kibble and answer the question. When finished, click the “click here to feed cats too!” link and answer that question as well.

4. Go to Free Rice and answer a question (you must get it correct — you can also stay longer and donate a whole lot more rice if you have extra time as well).

5. Come back here and leave a comment as to how long it took you to make all the free donations.

If you can complete those 5 steps, then you will have given similar amounts as I have listed above and the entire process should take somewhere about 5 minutes to complete. Pretty darn good way to spend five minutes when you have the free time.

If you enjoyed this post, please consider signing up for the rss feed which will add another 25 cents toward a microloan. Also feel free to spread the word and tell friends or family who you believe may also enjoy this blog. It’s greatly appreciated.

Give Free Rice

I’m guessing that most of you are aware, or at least have heard, of the Free Rice website — but it’s certainly worth mentioning here as an easy way to do good that doesn’t cost you a dime. Basically, you are given a vocabulary word and four possible meanings to choose from. If you click on the correct meaning, 20 grains of rice are donated to the United Nations World Food Program. You can play as many times as you want and the more answers you get correct, the more difficult the vocabulary questions become.

The site has become so popular that it has actually expanded beyond vocabulary and now there are numerous quizzes you can take to give free rice. These include Famous Paintings, Chemical Symbols, English Grammar, English Vocabulary, Identifying Countries on the Map, World Capitals, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Basic Math (Pre-Algebra) and Multiplication Table. There should be something that can grab your interest while you help feed those less fortunate than yourself.

The site gives away over 100 million grains of rice most days and has given away over 56 billion grains since the site was started. It is a great way to waste 15 minutes or whenever you have a bit of free time.

When you have a chance, go to Free Rice and see how many vocabulary words you can get correctly in a row. I just managed 56 which donated over 1000 grains of rice (it doesn’t matter if it’s only one — that’s 20 free grains of rice that will go to feed someone). When your finished, come back here and leave a comment on how many in a row you were able to do, the concept about free rice or anything else about helping stop hunger. Each comment will add 10 cents to fund a microloan.

If you enjoyed this post or the blog in general, please take the time to tell others that may also enjoy it – it’s most appreciated and the more people comment and enjoy doing good, the faster we can fund these microloans.